Indian River Drive Freeholders, Inc.
Interested in Learning About Traffic?
Check out these links ...
Note: some of these documents are hundreds of pages, so browse.
These are the rules & standards we need to understand. - High Risk Rural Roads - Local and Rural Road Safety Standards - TPO Projects – Including CMP (Congestion Mgmt Program) SLC 5-year plan as of 2011
Traffic Impact Studies Methodology
Scenic Hwy Annual Report 2011
FDOT: ROADWAY DESIGN STANDARDS – Used by everyone in State, know as The Greenbook
GO2040 - Long-term Planning
Pg. 14 of 35: The classification of a road may change where there is a change in traffic conditions, property use and development, and other factors. Trip purposes may change at intersections or large developments. Functional classification designations usually remain stable over many years, being changed only when necessary to recognize evolving travel patterns, relocated urban/urbanized area boundaries, and other factors. These are changes that should be considered during the ten year Census boundary revisions. FHWA usually accepts revisions at this time within the context of the overall decennial reevaluation of functional classification. Interim re-evaluations can occur when FDOT or a local government has indications that the usage of a road has changed so as to indicate a possible change in function. A local government or an MPO may request re-evaluation by writing to the appropriate District Secretary. If a local government is requesting a review of a road or roads located within the area influenced by an MPO, then both parties should be involved in the reevaluation process and concur with the outcome of the review. District staff should complete the Department’s portion of the re-evaluation work within 6 months from the date the request is received.